GSLDS Classified Listings

The GSLDS Online Classifieds are a great way to reach your audience, and are one the most popular parts of
This section lists the latest classified ads in all areas of dentistry including practice sales, practice and job opportunities for dentists and auxiliaries, those seeking opportunities, the personal sale of used equipment and service advertising. Click on a classified ad category below to view ads today.
Placing a Classified Ad
We no longer feature a classified section in our publication hard copy. Classified ads will be view-able only on the website. In the past, there was often a significant lag time from when the ad was placed to when it was printed in the magazine, frequently causing confusion for advertisers as well as readers.
Previously, advertisers paid for both the print and online versions together. Now, advertisers will only be paying for the online version for the months you need, submitting your ad and paying in advance for specific, consecutive months.
The new fee structure is as follows:
NON-DENTIST COMPANY: $30 per month
NON-MEMBERS: $75 per month